The Incredible Fading Man

Posted: July 23, 2012 in Uncategorized

The alarm went off.  Mary reached over and turned it off.   She gave the pillow a last squeeze, stretched and threw back the covers, Groaned as she made her way to the bathroom.  The shower turned on, I heard the buzz of the tooth brush.  I reached over and pulled the corner of the curtain.  Pitch black, wind howling and rain blowing in sideways.  Mary came out of the shower, I watched her dry and dress; she closed the door gently and sneaked downstairs.  I got up, went to the bathroom.

Success…at last….I looked in the mirror and saw no one looking back. A mastery of mind over matter.

The front door closed quietly, the key turned in the lock, one of the kids coughed. Mary’s car started. I looked back in the mirror and smiled, no one smiled back.

Some old rocker once said, “Its better to burn out than to fade away”, nah, burning out was not for me.  Way too much drama, too much notice.  No, I wanted to try a grand experiment.  Physiological Physics if you like, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another”. Well I had decided to see if it can be done to the human form, the human consciousness and here I was standing in front of a mirror and I’d proved it, pity nobody would know, is that the sign of a good experiment or a bad one?

I knew I was on to something when I went to the pub that night.  It was the pub I’d been to every Friday for 20 years, the after work Friday night pints.  I knew they’d all be there.  I got there a bit early and sat at the bar, although the place was almost empty, it wasn’t till I knocked over a glass that the barman noticed me.  I had to push the newspaper onto the floor in front of him before he remembered to come back with my drink.

After a while the lads came in.  I sat there looking at them but no one noticed.  Joe came up to order a round at one stage and stood beside me.  I could see him staring at the mirror behind the bar, looking at my reflection.  He looked puzzled, he turned to say something at one point but caught himself, Gerry called him and he seemed to forget.

With the kids you can never tell, that’s why I hadn’t been sure if this was working. You don’t know with kids whether they’re ignoring you or whether they genuinely don’t notice you, or anything else but themselves to be honest.

No one ever seemed to notice how the dinners got on the table, or how the clothes got washed and ironed. It just happened.

I started noticing about a month ago that I no longer made a dent on the sofa when I sat down.  When I lay on the bed, the same, but until now, I at least could still see a faint outline in the mirror, but this morning, this cold, windy, wet morning………..

I checked the mirror again….no, it was true. I went downstairs, opened the back door, slid through and stood for a last moment, feeling the wind and the rain bash the little which was left………..and melted away into the air, like something in the night.

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