Archive for November, 2014

Mr. Jones

Posted: November 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

Supposed to be working on my thesis, but for the month that’s in it, this is for you G. G-D bless, stay safe

Scratch, sharp, not pain, familiar.  Scrapes against the vein, comfortable, is it never not there. Warm and chill rising up, numbing arm, never felt so un-numb. Shoulder, neck, chin, down to chest, back to eyes, stomach, groin, mmmmmmm, feet first, ears, coursing in hair. Here comes Mr Jones, juggling monkeys, no, turtles……with……….teeth. With tiger teeth and tiger tales.  Mr Jones, he makes everyone smile, all pink suit, cigar and white baseball cap. Sparks fly from his eyes, water from his ears. G, sitting, smiling, afraid, dozing and screaming, mama, mama.  No dogs here, move along. Brain looking, looking, never finding.  Needle falls, drops of blood follow, smiling at the pattern, seeing a picture. Turtle teeth, on G’s neck, push away, he’s not there, no one is.  Both lost, fuzzy minds, never see the world.  Mr Jones, laughing, knowing there’s no way back, taking us to circus town, nasty circus town, all Ghost trains and never clowns, turtles with tiger teeth.  No way back and gone forever.

For G, who never made it back from Circus Town or the Turtles teeth.